1. Books
Penders, B. & Aarden, E. (2019). Met het leven verweven. Wetenschap, techniek en maatschappij. Amsterdam (NL): Amsterdam University Press. [ISBN: 978-9-4629-8012-9].
Penders, B., Vermeulen, N. & Parker, J.N. (eds.) (2015). Collaboration Across Health Research and Medical Care. Healthy Collaboration. Aldershot (UK): Ashgate. [ISBN: 978-1-4094-6094-7]
Penders, B. & Van Dam, F. (eds.) (2012). Ingrediënten van geloofwaardigheid. Goed eten onder de loep. [Ingredients for Credibility: Examining Proper Nutrition]. Amsterdam (NL): BoomLemma. [ISBN: 978-9-0593-1896-0]
Horstman, K., Dow, E. & Penders, B. (eds.) (2011). Governance of Health Care Innovation. Excursions into Politics, Science and Citizenship. Raleigh, NC: Lulu (Academic) [ISBN: 978-1-4466-8714-7]
Penders, B. (2010). The Diversification of Health. Politics of large-scale cooperation in nutrition science. Bielefeld (D): Transcript Verlag. [ISBN: 978-3-8376-1480-0]
Parker, J.N., Vermeulen, N & Penders, B. (eds.) (2010). Collaboration in the New Life Sciences. Aldershot (UK): Ashgate. [ISBN: 978-0-7546-9717-6]
2. Book Chapters
Hackett, E.J., Parker, J.N, Vermeulen, N. & Penders, B. (2017). The social and epistemic organization of scientific work. In: Felt, U. et al. (eds.). The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, 4th Ed. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, pp. 733-764.
Penders, B., Parker, J.N. & Vermeulen, N. (2015). When scientists, scholars, clinicians, physicians and patients meet. In: Collaboration Across Health Research and Medical Care. Healthy Collaboration. Aldershot (UK): Ashgate, pp. 3-12. [ISBN: 978-1-4094-6094-7]
Lecluijze, I. Penders, B., Feron, F. & Horstman, K. (2015). Scripted Collaboration. Digitization in Child Welfare. In: Collaboration Across Health Research and Medical Care. Healthy Collaboration. Aldershot (UK): Ashgate, pp. 123-145. [ISBN: 978-1-4094-6094-7]
Penders, B. & Korthals, MJJAA (2013) Harvesting Normative Potential for Nutrigenomic Research. In: Ferguson, L. (ed.). (2013). Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics in functional foods and personalised nutrition. Boca Raton, London & New York: CRC Press, pp. 361-374. [ISBN 978-14-398-7680-0]
Lecluijze, I., Penders, B., Feron, F. & Horstman, K. (2013). Innovation and justification in public health. The introduction of the ‘Child Index’ in the Netherlands. In: Strech, D., Hirschberg, I. & Marckmann, G. (eds.) (2013). Ethics in Public Health and Health Policy. Concepts, Methods, Case Studies. Dordrecht: Springer. [ISBN 978-94-007-6373-9]
Penders, B. & Van Dam, F. (2012). Geloofwaardig eten, van lab tot bord. In: Penders, B. & Van Dam, F. (eds.). (2012). Ingrediënten van geloofwaardigheid. Goed eten onder de loep. Amsterdam (NL): BoomLemma. [ISBN: 978-9-0593-1896-0]
Flipse, S. & Penders, B. (2012). Geloofwaardigheid op de markt. In: Penders, B. & Van Dam, F. (red.). (2012). Ingrediënten van geloofwaardigheid. Goed eten onder de loep. Amsterdam (NL): BoomLemma. [ISBN: 978-9-0593-1896-0]
Penders, B. & Van Dam, F. (2012). Strategiën en ambities voor geloofwaardigheid. In: Penders, B. & Van Dam, F. (eds.). (2012). Ingrediënten van geloofwaardigheid. Goed eten onder de loep. Amsterdam (NL): BoomLemma. [ISBN: 978-9-0593-1896-0]
Penders, B., Horstman K. & Vos, R. (2012). Challenges in Feasible Problem Construction in Nutritional Genomics. An Empirical Study. In: Benkeblia, N. (ed.) (2011). Omics Technologies: Tools for Food Science. Boca Raton, London & New York: CRC Press, pp. 119-140. [ISBN: 978-1-4398-3706-1]
Horstman, K. & Penders, B. (2011). Narrative student excursions. In: Horstman, K., Dow, E. & Penders, B. (eds). (2011). Governance of Health Care Innovation. Excursions into Politics, Science and Citizenship. Raleigh, NC: Lulu (Academic), pp. xiii-xvii. [ISBN: 978-1-4466-8714-7].
Vermeulen, N. & Penders, B. (2010). Collecting collaborations: Understanding life together. In: Parker, J.N., Vermeulen, N & Penders, B. (eds.) (2010). Collaboration in the New Life Sciences. Aldershot (UK): Ashgate, pp. 3-14. [ISBN: 978-0-7546-9717-6]
3. Journal Articles
Field, S.M., Thompson, J., de Rijcke, S., Penders, B., Munafò, M.R. (2024). Exploring the dimensions of responsible research systems and cultures: a scoping review. Royal Society Open Science 11 (1): 230624. [access preprint version]
Hosseini, M., Hildalgo, E. S., Horbach, S. Guttinger, S. & Penders, B. (2024). Messing with Merton: The intersection between Open Science practices and Mertonian values. Accountability in Research 31 (5): 428-455. [access preprint version]
Penders, B. (2022). Process and Bureaucracy: Scientific Reform as Civilisation. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 42 (4): 107-116. [access preprint version]
Hackett, E.J, Leahey, E., Parker, J.N., Rafols, I., Hampton, S., Corte, U., Drake, J.M., Penders, B., Sheble, L., Vermeulen, N. & Vision, T. (2021). Do Synthesis Centers Synthesize? A Semantic Analysis of Diversity and Performance. Research Policy 50 (1): 104069. [access preprint version]
Penders, B. & Shaw, D.M. (2020). Civil disobedience in scientific authorship: Resistance and insubordination in science. Accountability in Research 27 (6): 347-371. [access preprint version]
Penders, B., De Rijcke, S. & Holbrook, J.B. (2020). Science’s moral economy of repair: Replication and the circulation of reference. Accountability in Research 27 (2): 107-113. [access preprint version]
Penders, B., Holbrook, J.B. & De Rijcke, S. (2019). Rinse and Repeat: Understanding the Value of Replication across Different Ways of Knowing. Publications 7 (3): 52. [access preprint version]
Penders, B. (2018). Beyond trust: plagiarism and truth. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (1): 29-32.
Lecluijze, I. Penders, B., Feron, F. & Horstman, K. (2014). Infrastructural Work in Child Welfare: incommensurable politics in the Dutch Child Index. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 26 (2): Article 3.
Penders, B. & Flipse, S. (2014). Infrastructures of Credibility. Limn 4: 6. Online at Limn.it
Horstman, K., Aarden, E., Geelen, E., Van Hoyweghen, I., Penders, B. & Vos, R. (2008). Genetics and practices of food, families, insurance and health care: From impact towards co-construction. Tailoring Biotechnologies 4 (1/2): 23-40.
4. Commentaries & Letters
Devezer, B. & Penders, B. (2023). Scientific reform, citation politics and the bureaucracy of oblivion. Quantitative Science Studies 4 (4): 857–859.
Penders, B. & Janssens, A.C.J.W. (2022). Do we measure or compute polygenic risk scores? Why language matters. Human Genetics 141(5): 1093-1097. [access preprint version]
De Rijcke, S. & Penders, B. (2018) Beyond replication in the humanities. Nature 560: 29.
Penders, B. (2017). Vaccines, science & trust. Nature Microbiology 2: 17076.
Penders, B. (2017). Censorship: beware scientists wielding red pens. Nature 541: 289.
Penders, B. (2016). Demystifying science. BMJ: 352, i355.
Penders, B. (2014). Public credibility determines vaccination decisions. Science 344 (6185): 693.
Van Hoyweghen, I. & Penders, B. (2007). Research in the Wild. Nature 450 (7169): 478.
5. Preprints
Holbrook, J.B., Penders, B. & de Rijcke, S. (2019). The humanites do not need a replication drive. Humanities Commons Core.
6. Scholarly Blog Posts/Contributions
7. Conference Proceedings
Penders, B. (2009). Sociotechnical constraints on reaching public health goals via public or group avenues. European Journal of Public Health 19(S1): 127.
Penders, B. (2007). Personalised diet: is it doable? Individuality at different sites of nutrigenomic practice. Genes and Nutrition 2(1): 93-94.
8. Book Review Essays & Book Reviews
Penders, B. (2009). Het persoonlijke dieet: van nutriënt tot consument [The personalized diet: from nutrient to consumer] [Book review of "Kok, F., Bouwman, L., & Desiere, F. (eds.) Personalized Nutrition. Principles and Applications. CRC Press, 2007"]. Lev 1: 29.
9. Professional Publications
Penders, B. (2019). Wat kunnen we weten over eten? Wijsgerig Perspectief 2: 6-15.
Penders, B. (2016). De vele gezichten van wetenschappelijke integriteit. Podium voor Bioethiek 3: 4-7.
Horstman, K., Lecluijze, I., Penders, B. & Feron, F. (2014). Sturing verhindert leerprocessen. Implementatie van de Verwijsindex Risicojongeren. Jeugdbeleid 8 (2): 9-15.
Penders, B. (2009). Groter is niet altijd beter [Bigger isn’t always better]. CaRré: Bulletin of the Netherlands School of Primary Care Research 45: 26-27.
Penders, B. (2008). No man is an island: categorising the individual in contemporary nutrition science. FoodInfo Online Features (Feb): 19.
Penders, B. (2006). PFGS spreads across the Channel. Postgraduate Forum of Genetics and Society Newsletter 2(2): 4.
10. Reports
Spruit, S., Schuurbiers, D. & Penders, B. (2012). Embedding Nutrigenomics into Nutrition Science. Addressing Epistemological and Social Challenges. Valorisation Report, Centre for Society and the Life Sciences (CSG), with Top Institute Food and Nutrition and the Pilot Plant. Nijmegen, April 16, 2012, 38p.
Aarden, E., Boon, W., Penders, B. & Vandeberg, R. (2005). Genomics & Society: Chances for True Love? Symposium Report of the Corsage/PFGS Benelux Winter Meeting, Utrecht, NL. Dec. 16, 2005; 63p.
11. Theses
Penders, B. (2008). From seeking health to finding healths. The politics of large-scale cooperation in nutrition science. Maastricht (NL): Universitaire Pers Maastricht [Maastricht University Press]. [ISBN: 978-90-5278-735-0] PhD Thesis
Penders, B. (2003). Characterisation of Methanopyrus sp. Regensburg (D): Regensburg University. Unpublished MSc Thesis
Penders, B. (2002). [Fe]Hydrogenases in the hydrogenosomes of anaerobic ciliates and the anaerobic chytrid Pyromyces sp. Nijmegen (NL): University of Nijmegen. Unpublished MSc Thesis | |||