1. Lectures
Penders, B. (2024). "There is almost no need to think anymore" Renovating the theatre of persuasion. EASST4S July 17, Amsterdam, NL.
Penders, B. (2024). What have been the obstacles for (self-)correction in academia and industry? Rountable at EASST4S Amsterdam, July 17, with Willem Halffman, Melpomeni Antonakaki, Maarten Derksen, Nicole Nelson, Nicolas Rasmussen, Maha M. Said & Sergio Sismondo.
Penders, B. (2024). A theatre of persuasion: ‘Scientific Reform’ in Action. Insitute for Science in Society, RU Nijmegen, Research Colloquium, June 18, Nijmegen, NL.
Penders, B. (2024). Lunch lecture: Renovating the theatre of persuasion. RWTH Aachen, Käte Hambuger Kolleg, May 29, Aachen, D.
Penders, B. (2024). The Many Moral Economies of Open Science. STS Graz Conference, May 6, Graz, AT.
Penders, B. (2024). Waarom (of niet) vertrouwen we wetenschappers? Lezing voor de Orde van den Prince, Apr. 23, Maastricht.
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Penders, B. (2024). Leaks, Crises and Scandals. How Science was Broken and Remade. Leakage - Inaugural Conference of STSinG, Mar. 21, Dresden, D. |
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Penders, B. (2024). Shamed into good science, or: Renovating the theatre of persuasion. Symposium: Critical Perspectives on the Metascience Reform Movement, March 7, Youtube/Aachen, D. |
Penders, B. (2024). Interests and Values in Science. Research Integrity and Ancillary Activities Town Hall Meeting, Feb. 26, Maastricht, NL.
Penders, B. (2023). When are replications successful? [Panel discussion]. Escaping the (nano)bubble: the role of replications in scientific controversies, Nov. 9, Paris.
Penders, B. (2023). Frenemies in Science - the Politics of Evaluating Team Science. 4S Conference, Nov. 8, Honolulu, Hawaii (online).
Penders, B. (2023) Reform and Replication – Collaboration, Competition and Etiquette in Scientific Practice. Escaping the (nano)bubble: the role of replications in scientific controversies, Nov. 8, Paris.
Penders, B. (2023) Professional and Public Trust in Clinical AI. Clinal Data Science Colloquium. Oct. 10, Maastricht (NL).
Penders, B. (2023) Many, instead of Big: Collaboration and the Organization of Trust and Distrust in Big Science. STS-hub.de, March 16, Aachen (D).
Penders, B. (2023). Safe and Credible. Food Innovation as a Social Practice. Fulda Food Communication, Jan. 20, Fulda (D).
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Penders, B. (2022). Shifting Scientific Behaviors. Convos on the Common. A Commonplace Podcast, Dec. 1, online. |
Penders, B. (2022) Bureaucracy and Reform: shamed into good science? CWTS Colloquium, Nov. 30, Leiden (NL).
Penders, B. (2022) Where health, ethics, society and food meet. Eatwell Meeting, MUMC+, Nov. 8, Maastricht (NL).
Penders, B. (2022) Shamed into good science? WTMC Summerschool, Aug. 24, Ravenstein (NL).
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Penders, B. (2021). Process and Bureaucracy: Reform as Civilisation. 4S2021 Meeting Toronton & Online, Session on Metascience, Oct. 6, Toronto, Can. (online). |
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Penders, B. (2021). Metascience 2021, Discussion panel 'Bolstering Accountability and Self Skepticism within the Metascience Movement, Sep. 24, (online). |
Penders, B. (2021). Replication as the right tool for the job? Leiden University Libraries & Elsevier seminars on Reproducible Research. Apr. 19, Leiden, NL (onine). |
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Penders, B. (2020). What makes a scientist? Science as Culture. Corpus Curiosum Lecture series 2 (Stimulating Critical Thinking in Neuroscience), Dec. 1, webinar (online). |
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Penders, B. (2020). Geloofwaardigheid in de accelererende academie. KNAW Webinar Onstuimig onderzoek: Metaperspectieven op Coronawetenschap, Dec. 14, Amsterdam, NL (online). |
Penders, B. (2020). Let’s dance. Choreographing research integrity in interdisciplinary research collaborations. 4S/EASST Conference, Aug. 18, Prague, Czech Rep. (online).
Penders, B. (2019). Discontent, Disobedient and Defiant: Insurgent Scientists. MCTS Public Lecture, Oct. 21, Munich, Germany.
Holbrook, J.B. & Penders, B. (2019). Repeat after Me: Accountability and Replicability across Epistemic Cultures. 4S Annual Conference, Sep. 6, New Orleans, USA.
Penders, B. (2019). Research ethics and research integrity in context. Intercare Network Meeting, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany.
Penders, B. (2019). Questioning the Collaboration Rulebook: Civil Disobedience in Scientific Authorship. Colloquium Deutches Museum, May 13, Munich, Germany.
Penders, B. (2018). Het fundament van eet- en dieethypes. Congres van de Vereniging voor Filosofie en Geneeskunde, Nov. 17, Leiden, NL.
Penders, B. (2018). Research integrity as translation work: assumptions and practices of authorship in nutrition science. EASST Biannual Conference, Jul. 28, Lancaster, UK.
Lutz, P. & Penders, B. (2018). Normativities of integrity - a matter of care. EASST Biannual Conference, Jul. 26, Lancaster, UK.
Penders, B. (2017). Why dismissing nutrition science is perfectly rational. "Trust in science in the post-act era" conference, European Food Information Council, Oct. 3, Brussels, Belgium.
Penders, B. (2017). "Taking one for the team". Articulations of authorship in nutrition science across industry and academia. 4S Annual Conference, Sep. 1, Boston, USA.
Penders, B. (2016). Nutrition in Transition – Approaches. Nutrition in Transition Workshop, Feb 12&13 Venlo (NL).
Penders, B. (2015). Voeding in de overgang. Expert panel member. “Gif op mijn bord” symposium, Dec. 18, Maastricht, NL [invited by Fred Brouns, organizer].
Penders, B. (2015). The social study of scientific collaboration. ‘Social Sciences and Medical Innovation “Doing things together” Conference’, May 22, Tomsk, Russia.
Penders, B. (2014). Collaboration in Medical Innovation. ‘Social Sciences and Medical Innovation Conference’, May 17, Tomsk, Russia.
Penders, B. (2014). Dissident Credibility. ‘Social Sciences and Medical Innovation Conference’, May 15, Tomsk, Russia.
The Sensible Science Working Group* (2013). Research Synthesis. Synthesis Centre Meeting. Oct. 9, Aix-en-Provence, France. (*member)
Penders, B. & Dam, F. van (2013). Ingrediënten van Geloofwaardigheid. Colloquium Institute for Science, Innovation & Society, Jan. 29, Nijmegen, NL.
Penders, B. (2012). Collaborative forms: ‘working for’ & ‘working with’. 4S/EASST Annual Conference; ESA/SST-NET Lunch Plenary Keynote on the Social Study of Corporate Science, Oct. 18, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Penders, B. (2012). Food Fight: Unpacking Dietary Credibility. 4S/EASST Annual Conference, Oct. 18, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Penders, B. (2012). Gendered Innovation in Nutrigenomics. An STS Critique. GI (Gendered Innovations) Workshop/European Science Foundation, Sep. 13, Brussels.
Penders, B. Schuurbiers, D. (2012). Using ‘soft’ skills to advance ‘hard’ science. Embedding nutrigenomics in TI Food & Nutrition. Club Science: Science & Society Festival, June 26, Nijmegen, NL.
Penders, B. (2012). Personalized Medicine in Daily Practice. Expert panel Member. Molecular Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases, International Course, Apr. 27, Berg & Terblijt, NL [invited, by I. Arts, organizer].
Penders, B. (2012). Credibility Management in the Food Industry. Industry Sponsorship in Food Research Symposium, organized by Harvard University, Edmond J. Safra Centre for Ethics & the Rock Ethics Institute at Penn State, March 28-29.
Penders, B. & Parker, J.N. (2011). Collaboration from Life Sciences to Health Sciences. 4S Annual Conference, Nov. 3, Cleveland OH, USA.
Penders, B. & Parker, J.N. (2011). Collaboration in Nutrition Science and Ecology. Colloquium Series of the Institute for the Social Studies of Science. University of Vienna, Apr. 18, Vienna, Austria.
Penders, B. (2010). Maatschappelijke betekenis van de life sciences. Expert panel member. Stakeholderdag Centre for Society & Genomics, Oct. 12, Spaanse Hof, Den Haag [invited by Frans van Dam, organiser].
Penders, B. (2010). Food Industry and the Credibility Marketplace. Joint WTMC Annual Meeting/German Society for the History of Science, Sep. 25, Maastricht, NL.
Penders, B. (2010). Making ISP Safe: The Innovation of Safety. 4S Annual Conference, Aug. 29, Tokyo, Japan.
Penders, B. (2010). Safe Innovation: The many safeties of Ice Structuring Protein. CSG Conference "Ten Years After", May 27, Amsterdam, NL.
Penders, B. (2010). Credibility engineering in the food industry: establishing and connecting credibility among academia and consumers. Seminar Series of the School of Social and Political Sciences. University of Canterbury, March 4, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Penders, B. (2010). Industrial Nutrition Science. Credibility Engineering vis-à-vis Academia and Consumers. 4th Asia-Pacific Nutrigenomics Conference "Genes-Diet and Gut Health", Feb. 25, Auckland, New Zealand.
Penders, B. (2009). Sociotechnical restraints on reaching Public Health Goals. EUPHA (European Public Health Association) Annual Conference, Nov. 28, Lòdz, Poland.
Penders, B. (2009). Credibility Engineering in Food Industry. 4S Annual Conference, Oct. 30, Washington DC, USA.
Penders, B. (2009). Wetenschap, consument en geloofwaardigheid in de voedingsindustrie. Centre for Society and Genomics RvA Meeting, Sept. 25, Utrecht, NL.
Penders, B. (2009). Collaboration in the ‘new’ nutrition sciences. Workshop “Translating Nutrigenomics”, King’s College London, May 18, UK.
Penders, B. (2008). Interaction and designing ‘good’ food. CSG Research Days, Nov. 13, Berg en Dal, NL.
Penders, B. (2008). Collaboration in Nutrition Science: Solving Situated Problems and Constructing Situated Healths. 4S/EASST Joint Conference “Acting with STS”, Aug. 21, Rotterdam, NL.
Penders, B. (2008). Engagements with applied science: Nutrition, Health, Quality Standards and Europe. Session Discussant. 4S/EASST Joint Conference “Acting with STS”, Aug. 21, Rotterdam, NL [invited by S. Bauer, session organiser].
Penders, B. (2008). Norms & politics in contemporary “Big Nutrition”. 5th CSG/GN Conference “Genomics & Society: Setting the Agenda”, Apr. 17, Amsterdam, NL.
Penders, B. (2008). From isolated issues to general sensitisation: reciprocity and reflection in ELSA nutrigenomics. Workshop “Doing Society & Genomics”, Sep. 19, Nijmegen, NL.
Penders, B. (2007). Seeking health; findings healths. Norms and politics in contemporary “Big Nutrition”. 3rd Corsage Winter Meeting, Dec. 13, Utrecht, NL.
Penders, B. & Valkenburg, G. (2007). The Final Phase of Writing or How to Cope with Stress, Deadlines and PhDs at their Wit's Ends. WTMC Annual Conference, Nov. 15, Maastricht, NL.
Penders, B. (2007). Aligning Nutrigenomics and ELSI: Contesting Personalised Nutrition. Dutch-Chinese ELSI Genomics Workshop, Oct. 31, Maastricht, NL.
Penders, B. (2007). Topographies in/of Science - Topographien (in) der Wissenschaft. Theoriewerkstatt Organisation von Wissenschaft - Theory Workshop Organisation of Science, Jul. 13, Melle, Germany.
Penders, B. (2007). Productive conflict in nutrigenomic research practice. 4th CSG/Cesagen Conference, Mar. 28, The Royal Academy of Sciences, London, UK.
Penders, B. (2006). De haalbaarheid van gepersonaliseerde diëten in twijfel getrokken. Nutrigenomics Consortium and Centre for Society and Genomics Meeting, Dec. 6, Utrecht, NL.
Penders, B. (2006). Making Gut Health work. Constructing modular nutrigenomic practice. 2nd Corsage Winter Meeting, Nov 24, Wageningen, NL.
Penders, B. (2006). The doability of individualised nutrition. On expectations and practices. IOP Genomics Chaperone Meeting, Nov. 16, Zeist, NL.
Penders, B. (2006). Health in modular large-scale nutrigenomic science. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, Nov. 4, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Penders, B. (2006). The future of personalised nutrition. Expert Panel member; Nutrigenomics New Zealand International Confererence: "Nutrigenomics, from science to the supermarket" May 3, Auckland, New Zealand [invited by L. Melton, conference organiser].
Penders, B. (2006). Shaping Nutrigenomic practice. On personalised health and personalised nutrition. Nutrigenomics New Zealand International Confererence: "Nutrigenomics, from science to the supermarket", Apr. 30, Auckland, New Zealand.
Penders, B. (2006). Have we been looking the wrong way all along? Contesting personalised nutrition. 3rd CSG/Cesagen Conference, Apr. 20, Amsterdam, NL.
Penders, B. (2006). Over volgen en gevolgd worden: Participatie, interactie en interventie in nutrigenomics. NWO MCG Themamiddag, Nov. 30, Ede, NL.
Penders, B. (2006). Growing Sensitive. A lecture on ethnography, interaction and sensitization. Workshop Interdisciplinary Research "Cooperation between natural and social science", Jun. 15, Utrecht, NL.
Penders, B. (2005). Individuality in nutrigenomic practices: A “hate-love” relationship?. 1st Corsage Winter Meeting, Dec. 16, Utrecht, NL.
Penders, B. (2005). Personalised diet: is it doable? Individuality at sites of nutrigenomic practice (Oral poster presentation). International Personalised Nutrition Conference (NuGO), Nov. 3, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Penders, B. (2005). The machinery to remake health: How nutrigenomic practice shapes a new health a new diet. 9th Annual PFGS Colloqium, Aug. 31, Cardiff, UK.
Penders, B. (2005). Dissecting Nutrigenomics: On packages, boundaries and styles. WTMC Workshop, Aug. 17, Ravenstein, NL.
Penders, B. (2005). Health and food in Nutrigenomics: talking health, constructing health. 2nd CSG/Cesagen Conference, Apr. 11, London, UK.
Penders, B. (2005). Nutrigenomics in the making: talking health, constructing health. Annual CAPHRI Research Meeting, Mar. 24, Rijckholt, NL.
Penders, B. (2003). Looking over Nutrigenomics' shoulder. IOP Genomics Chaperone Meeting, Nov. 12, Zeist, NL
2. Posters
* [co-author of several additional posters, presented by junior colleagues after 2010]
Penders, B. (2010). Industrial Nutrition Science. Credibility Engineering vis-à-vis Academia and Consumers. Displayed at the 4th Asia-Pacific Nutrigenomics Conference "Genes-Diet and Gut Health", Feb. 25, Auckland, New Zealand.
Penders, B. (2008). The social study of corporate science. An ethnography of Unilever R&D. Displayed at the ‘Genomics and Populations’ Summer Institute, 2008; 6-23/26 Windermere, Cumbria, UK.
Penders, B. (2008). Reaquanting two cultures. Preventing a de-elsification of European nutrigenomics?. Displayed at the 5th CSG/GN Conference, 2008; 4-17/18 Amsterdam, NL and at the 3rd Asia-Pacific Nutrigenomics Conference 2008; 5-6/8, Melbourne, Australia.
Penders, B. (2006). Shaping Nutrigenomic practice. On personalised health and personalised nutrition. Displayed at the Nutrigenomics New Zealand International Confererence: "Nutrigenomics, from science to the supermarket" 2006; 5-1, Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand.
Penders, B. (2005). Personalised diet: is it doable? Individuality at different places of nutrigenomics practices. Displayed at the International Personalised Nutrition Conference (NuGO) 2005; 11-2, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Penders, B. (2005). A normative machinery: Nutrigenomics as a machinery that redefines health. Displayed at the NuGO week 2005; 9-13, Lucca, Italy.
Penders, B. (2005). Food science makes me sick: How Nutrigenomics redefines the boundaries between health and disease. Displayed at WTMC Workshop 2005; 8-15, Ravenstein, NL.
Penders, B. (2005). Nutrigenomics in the making: talking health, measuring health, constructing health. Displayed at the Annual CAPHRI Research Meeting 2005; 3-24, Rijckholt, NL & at the GeNeYouS Workshop 2005; 4-27, Organon; Oss, NL.
3. Public Events
Penders, B. (2012). Ingrediënten van geloofwaardigheid. De geloofwaardigheidsverpakking van goed eten. Boeklancering “Ingredienten van geloofwaardigheid”, Restaurant Heat, aan ’t IJ, Nov. 13, Amsterdam, NL.
Penders, B. (2012). Biokunst en doe-het-zelf wetenschap. Video-column displayed at Naturalis Museum, Leiden, 28 Feb.